Here to Help New Vegans.

I Am Going Vegan is here to help you figure out a plant-based lifestyle. We believe going vegan is a positive life change and one that is different for everyone.

Whatever your reasons for going vegan—and whatever your experience level—we’ve got the information to help you live a plant-based life.

Meet the Team

Tyler McFarland

Tyler McFarland
I’m Tyler McFarland, the editor and main author here. When I first went vegan 13 years ago, convenience products like veggie burgers and soy milk were a lot harder to find. Now they’re everywhere!

Tyler McFarland
Author & Content Editor @ I Am Going Vegan

Raf Chomsky
Raf Chomsky

Raf Chomsky
Hi, I’m Raf, a vanguard in the sustainability and veganism discourse. I stand as a distinguished author with a prolific output of over 150 articles in the niche.

Raf Chomsky
Author & Content Editor @ I Am Going Vegan

Our mission

Improving Vegan Search Results… One Post at a Time

The goal of this website is to provide quality information to new vegans. The main way people find this site is from search. I write answers to the questions people have about veganism, and my site comes up in the results.

When researching for my posts, sometimes I find vegan sites that seem to be run by people who aren’t even vegan. Specific things they say give away a lack of experience. Maybe they see veganism as a trend they can just cash in on.

I want to provide better guidance for new vegans. I want to make it easy to go vegan because there are good answers available to every question you have.

Most days, I write a post on a very specific aspect of the vegan diet. But I take pride in having written the best resource on the Internet on many of these random little topics—like vegan glue, for example, or whether Splenda is vegan.

It may be a small contribution—but people are searching for these answers. And they’ll have a better experience because I took the time to put the best evidence together with my experience and lay it out clearly. And I feel good about that.

Non-Dogmatic. Non-Judgmental. Practical.

People go vegan for different reasons. Some do it for animal rights. Some do it for the Earth. Some do it to lose weight or clear up acne. Whatever your reasons, I Am Going Vegan is here to support you.

You won’t see any shaming or vicious criticism on this website. Sometimes I’ll mention divisions and disagreements among vegans. But I try to present all sides with empathy and respect.

Going vegan can be a very positive change in your life. It can lead to big improvements in health. It can even lead to a more compassionate, conscious relationship with the world. It can be great practice for pursuing your values overall—even when it’s challenging.

When vegans yell at each other for approaching the diet differently, I think they’re missing a huge opportunity.

Let’s build the biggest, most positive vegan movement we can.

– Tyler McFarland
I Am Going Vegan