Imagine settling into your evening with a warm cup of oat milk, only to doze off and realize you’ve left it out all night. The morning comes, and you’re left wondering – is this still safe to consume?
Oat milk has become a popular way to replace cow milk due to its creamy texture and health benefits. But does it have the same stability as traditional milk when left at room temperature?
If your oat milk has been left out for more than 2 hours (including overnight), it’s best to throw it away unless it’s an unopened, shelf-stable variety. Just because the oat milk itself looks fine, it doesn’t mean there aren’t harmful bacteria present that could make you sick.
In the following sections, I’ll provide a detailed explanation on why consuming oat milk that was left out overnight could be a risk.
Read on to find out more about oat milk, food safety, and how to avoid wasting this delicious dairy alternative!
Understanding the Difference Between Shelf-Stable and Refrigerated Oat Milk
When it comes to oat milk, there are two variants available in the market: shelf-stable and refrigerated. While both will go nicely with a bowl of healthy Cheerios or Wheaties, each type has unique characteristics and storage requirements that consumers need to be aware of.
Refrigerated oat milk is typically housed in the cool sections of a grocery store. Presented in an old-fashioned milk carton usually made of cardboard, this milk needs to be kept cold at all times. This means once you’ve brought it home, it should immediately go into the refrigerator, even if it’s still sealed.
On the other hand, shelf-stable oat milk can be found in non-refrigerated aisles of the store. It often comes in compact ‘Tetra Pak’ packaging, which is typically smaller than its refrigerated counterpart. The main advantage of this type of oat milk is that refrigeration isn’t required until you crack it open for use.
For instance, if you’ve purchased a Tetra Pak of shelf-stable oat milk and haven’t opened it yet, there’s no need to put it in the fridge. It can safely remain at room temperature for weeks or even months without spoiling.
Refrigerated oat milk | Shelf-stable oat milk | |
Needs to be stored in a fridge? | Yes | No |
Suitable for long-term storage? | No | Yes |
Needs to be refrigerated once opened? | Yes | Yes |
Now that you’re familiar with these two types of oat milk, let’s delve into some common queries about managing your perishable oat milk effectively.
What Is the Shelf Life of Oat Milk Outside the Fridge?
The USDA provides clear guidelines on the time frame within which oat milk remains safe for consumption if left unrefrigerated. The rule of thumb is that both refrigerated and shelf-stable oat milk types, once opened, should not be left out for longer than two hours.
The Temperature Danger Zone and Its Impact on Oat Milk
Bacteria thrive significantly in temperatures ranging between 40 °F and 140 °F – the concept known as “Danger Zone.” Harmful bacteria multiply at an alarming rate under these conditions, posing potential health risks.
In situations where the room temperature exceeds 90°F (32°C), the safety limit is reduced to just one hour. If you leave oat milk in such conditions (e.g., in a sweltering car) for more than an hour, you need to throw it away immediately.
Debunking Common Misconceptions about Unrefrigerated Oat Milk
You may see varying opinions on this subject from friends or online forums. Some people might frequently be consuming oat milk that has been left out without experiencing any illness.
The problem is the FDA estimates show approximately 48 million instances of foodborne illnesses annually in the United States alone. Many people often confuse symptoms of food poisoning with those of common illnesses like stomach flu.
It’s plausible to assume that many of those who casually disregard safe food handling practices have fallen ill due to eating improperly stored foods, but they simply failed to associate their sickness with their food habits.
One commonly suggested solution involves boiling oat milk to eliminate any harmful bacteria in it. Unfortunately, that has limited effectiveness. Boiling does not entirely rid oat milk of all toxins produced by bacteria, even though it might kill the bacteria itself. Certain bacteria types like Staph can even generate heat-resistant toxins.
As such, it’s best to discard any oat milk left out overnight or beyond a two-hour window.
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What Are the Potential Health Risks of Consuming Spoiled Oat Milk?
Drinking oat milk that has gone bad might result in severe symptoms, such as nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and even fever.
These symptoms are often misinterpreted as a common stomach bug. However, the severity of these reactions may vary depending on the type and amount of bacteria present in the spoiled milk and other influencing factors. The repercussions could potentially go beyond what is usually experienced with a typical stomach flu.
From a personal perspective, experimenting with expired oat milk or any other food items is not a good idea. It’s always safer to throw away such products and buy fresh ones instead. After all, oat milk isn’t that expensive, and your well-being should be always a priority.
Can Unopened Oat Milk Expire?
Regardless of whether you’ve opened it or not, oat milk doesn’t have an infinite shelf life – it will eventually spoil. However, there is quite a significant difference between the lifespan of refrigerated oat milk and that of shelf-stable oat milk.
Shelf-stable oat milk can last for an extended period, often months or even years. In contrast, refrigerated oat milk tends to have a much shorter lifespan, expiring within weeks or months. To err on the side of caution, make sure to pay attention to the “use by” date indicated on your oat milk.
Can You Tell if Your Oat Milk Has Gone Bad?
Sometimes, it can be tricky to determine whether your oat milk is still good or if it’s time to pour it down the drain. You need to consider a number of factors, such as:
- Is the packaging puffed up?
- Does it smell off?
- Are there lumps in it?
- Has the color shifted?
- Does it taste different?
These hints could be useful in identifying a batch of oat milk that’s past its prime, but they’re not foolproof.
When dealing with oat milk that has been out of the fridge for a while, don’t rely on your senses alone. The best way to decide is by considering how long the milk has been in what food safety experts term as the “danger zone” — temperatures between 40 and 140°F.
Per USDA guidelines mentioned above, if your oat milk has been in this “Danger Zone” for over two hours, it’s safer to discard it. Similarly, if it’s been opened and stored in the fridge for more than a week to ten days, it’s probably time to get rid of it.
To quote WebMD’s guide, “Food contaminated with staph toxin may not always look or smell unusual, making it hard to know what to steer clear of.”
FDA explicitly states that:
“[…] food can make you very sick even when it doesn’t look, smell, or taste spoiled. That’s because foodborne illnesses are caused by pathogenic bacteria, which are different from the spoilage bacteria that make foods ‘go bad.’”
A large number of food items contain traces of harmful bacteria when we purchase them. Just a few hours in the “risk area” (temperatures ranging from 40 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit) can cause these bacteria to multiply significantly.
Ultimately, it’s impossible to accurately determine the extent of harmful bacterial growth using your senses alone.
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Is Opened Oat Milk Safe To Consume After a Week or More?
A common question among oat milk enthusiasts is whether it’s safe to drink it after more than a week after opening.
Many commercial oat milk brands suggest consuming their product within 7 to 10 days of breaking the seal, even though the milk usually appears and smells perfectly fine long after this timeframe. So, can you safely drink oat milk past this timeframe? Let’s find out.
The 7-10 day recommendation is simply a broad safety measure for edible items with limited shelf lives. If you’re careful about sealing your oat milk and storing it properly in a cool environment like the refrigerator, it could potentially last beyond this period.
While drinking oat milk more than ten days post-opening could be somewhat risky, chances are it will still be consumable if there aren’t any clear indications of spoilage.
But remember, homemade oat milk generally has a shorter lifespan. Typically, it stays fresh for around 3-5 days, which is considerably less than its commercially produced counterpart.
Two More Recommendations for Your Plant-Based Journey
1. This is the best free video training I’ve found on plant-based nutrition. You’ll learn how to reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and obesity—all with plant-based food. Watch the free “Food for Health Masterclass” here.
2. This is the best vegan multivitamin I’ve found in my 14 years of being vegan. It has vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3—and nothing else. Translation: It only has the nutrients vegans are actually low in. Read my full review of Future Kind’s multivitamin here (with 10% discount).